Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Seeing the Good

It was a Sunday afternoon. The weather was nice, and some of the kids were playing in the backyard. I had just put my toddler in for his nap, and I decided to take advantage of the peace and quiet.

I set out some art supplies on the kitchen table (I wasn't going to count on the kids playing nicely forever!), and headed upstairs for a little nap.

After waking up rested and invigorated, I headed down to the kitchen to get dinner started. One of the kids rushed over to tell me about the surprise they were making for me - they had cleaned up the living room!

The Cleaning Crew
The Cleaning Crew

I noticed that, indeed, they had picked up all the toys and garbage that had accumulated in the kitchen as well! Wow! This really was a surprise!

I cut up some fruit for them to celebrate their fabulous feat, and we all walked away feeling happy and proud.

Don't take it for granted!

I wondered to myself, If the kids hadn't told me about what they had done, how long would it have taken me to notice?

How many wonderful surprises does God do for us each day that just go by unnoticed? It is so easy to take all the good for granted, and not even realize that which transpires right under our noses!

When we notice the good, we can enjoy and appreciate it. Seeing the good makes us feel good; it helps us feel loved.

Cultivating Gratitude

Some people have a tendency to focus on the positive in life. This is a wonderful character trait, and one that is extremely valuable.

Others seem to always set their eyes on the negative. They are too busy picking out what went wrong that they don't even see the things that went right!

Gratitude, seeing and appreciating the good, is a trait worth cultivating. It will enhance your relationship with God, as well as your relationships with your spouse, children, coworkers and friends.

One of the best ways I know to develop and increase your gratitude is by using a Gratitude Log.

Gratitude Log

Here's how you set up a Gratitude Log:

  1. Begin with an empty notebook.
    Any notebook will do. A small pocket-sized pad has the advantage of easy portability. You can use a mobile device for this, if you prefer. The key here is that it has to be easy and convenient to access. Otherwise, you will never use it!
  2. Find something to be grateful for!
    Or 2 things, or 5. No matter how many or how few items you choose to include each day, you will probably notice many more positive things each day, just because you are looking for them!
  3. Write it down
    The commitment to write in your log will help you continue to look for good things day after day. Again, only record as much as you have time for. If it becomes too much of a hassle to upkeep, you are likely to give it up. Keep it short and sweet.
  4. Read it!
    Go back and read your list! You can do this on a regular basis, like once a week or once a month. Or you can review your list when you're having a rough day. Your log can remind you of all the wonderful things that have happened, and help to remind you that there is always good to find, if only you search for it!

If you really stick to this exercise, you will soon notice that your attitude has become more positive. Enjoy the pleasant feeling that comes with noticing and appreciating the good that Hashem does for you each day!

See also From Grumbling To Grattitude.

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