Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Plane Scared: How Bitachon Can Help Calm Your Fears

This week, I found myself sitting on an airplane. Most of my attention was focused on entertaining my 15 month old son. This was no easy feat. He is extremely active, and all he wanted to do was walk up and down the aisle and talk to the (sleeping) passengers!

We waited calmly for the airplane to take off. Then, as soon as the plane began to race down the runway, my heart began to race inside of me. I suddenly felt terrified.

Though I have flown many times, I feel this same feeling upon takeoff on every flight. I don’t remember feeling that way as a child. I think that as my family has grown and my responsibilities have multiplied, I can’t push away the feeling that if something bad were to happen, it would affect a lot more than just me!

Jews are a people of prayer. We pray three times every day. On Shabbos and Holidays we add even more prayers. There are blessings for all sorts of usual and unusual items and events.

Of course, there is a prayer for travelers to recite on their way.

How comforting it was to recite the words of Tefillas Haderech (the traveler’s prayer) as the nose of the aircraft rose into the sky.

Please Hashem,“ I thought, "help us to arrive safely. Save us from anything bad that could happen on the way!”

I felt calm again as I reflected upon what I was saying. It is Hashem, and Hashem only, who guides our way. He is in charge of the plane, and He is in charge of all outcomes!

Hashem is accessible to us all the time. We do not have to fly in the sky in order to be close to Him. We can connect to God and trust in Him wherever we are, whenever we want.

Prayer is a very powerful way to connect. Whether by means of formal prayer or impromptu personal requests, when we ask God to fulfill our needs, we show Him and ourselves that we trust in Him. We ask Hashem to help us because we know the He is the only One who has the ability to assist.

Practical Bitachon

  1. Take the time to daven! Even the busiest person can find a few minutes in her day or week to talk to Hashem. Ask Him for whatever you want and need. No request is too difficult and no desire is too trivial.

  2. When you pray, make a mental note:

    It makes sense to ask Hashem, because Hashem alone can fulfill my needs!

    This will increase your trust in God.

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