Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Right or Wrong Bitachon? My Opinion

Last week we presented the sleepless plight of Sara. (If you haven't read the story yet, you can read the story now).

I asked for your opinion: was Shmuel right, or was he wrong?

Since no one was brave enough to venture an answer, I have only my own answer to present to you this week!

My Opinion: Was Shmuel right or was he wrong?


Besides for being totally insensitive to his wife, Shmuel's comment is just not on target.

Yes, the principles of Bitachon would agree that this challenge is Heaven sent. But challenges are made to be faced, not to be evaded.

Shmuel is using Bitachon as a cop-out. He doesn't want to have to do anything, so he says "Have Bitachon!".

The truth is, though, that there are a number of "effort" possibilities that this family can (and should!) try. For example:

  • Blackout shades - keep the room dark in the early morning hours.
  • Move Yosef to another room where his siblings won't hear him get out of bed (and make sure he has something quiet to do!).
  • Provide a clock. Tape over the last two digits (the minutes) to leave only the hour showing. Teach the child that it's okay to get up when the clock has a "6" (or whatever time is acceptable).
  • Offer a consequence. For example, if the child gets up at 5:30 AM, he will have to go to sleep at 5:30 PM to make up for the lost sleep. After a few days, the child may decide it's not worth getting up so early!
I'm sure this list could go on and on. The point here is not to solve this family's problem, but to show that there are many solutions that they could try.

Bitachon is not an excuse to be lazy. We are required to put in our effort. When the problem is still not solved even after exerting ourselves and doing our best, only then do we say "I guess that's what Hashem wants for me right now".

If I haven't yet tried to solve my problem, then what Hashem wants for me right now is to work it out!

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