Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Trust in God: Like a Child Trusts His Parent

A Treasure Found

My toddler found some stickers while poking around in the garage. He excitedly showed me his find, waving the stickers in my face. He was even more thrilled when I nodded my approval that it was okay for him to use the stickers!


He began sticking his treasure onto an empty paper, but quickly became stuck. Some of the stickers were hard to remove from the backing. He gestured for help, and I began bending the page under a sticker to make it come up.

Realizing that this was going to require my bending the page for every single sticker, I quickly thought of an alternate plan.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Seeing the Good

It was a Sunday afternoon. The weather was nice, and some of the kids were playing in the backyard. I had just put my toddler in for his nap, and I decided to take advantage of the peace and quiet.

I set out some art supplies on the kitchen table (I wasn't going to count on the kids playing nicely forever!), and headed upstairs for a little nap.

After waking up rested and invigorated, I headed down to the kitchen to get dinner started. One of the kids rushed over to tell me about the surprise they were making for me - they had cleaned up the living room!

The Cleaning Crew
The Cleaning Crew