Recently, we received a mailing from Oorah. Oorah is a non-profit organization which specializes in Jewish outreach.
Every year, Oorah conducts a huge Chinese Auction as a fundraiser for their many programs. The mailing we received was the prize list and details for the auction.
My son was reading the prizes with great interest.
“You can win a trip to Israel, all the technological devices you can dream of, a vacation … and here’s a dining room set! A new custom sheitel (wig), silver candelabra, jewelry, a kosher cruise … so many great prizes!” he exclaimed. He animatedly read all the prize descriptions aloud, expressing special interest in some.
I must preface what I am about to write by telling you that our family does support Oorah because of the phenomenal work that they do. And I certainly wouldn’t complain if I won free mortgage payments, electricity, gas, or groceries for a year!
But I felt it was important at the same time to express