Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Pay Attention!

The Library

Brrr, the weather was really cold! The public library would make a perfect outing:

  1. We needed to return our books and replace them with a new stash.

  2. I wanted to vote during early voting, and the library is an early voting site.

  3. Best of all, the library was an indoor activity for my little one. There is now a whole section of toys for toddlers to play with in the children’s section.

We headed out into the chilly morning, and soon arrived at the library. The parking lot was busier than I ever remembered seeing it. We got out of the car, loaded the books underneath the stroller, and walked to the library entrance. Hmmm, the library didn’t open on Tuesdays until 1:00 PM, and it was only 10:15 AM now.

What were all the cars and people doing here if the library wasn’t even open yet?

The library was closed, but early voting was open! Hooray! We were able to vote, and even drop our books through the outdoor book slot.

Next, we headed down San Jose Boulevard to the South Mandarin Library. This library was open, and the parking lot here was even busier than at the first library! As we walked in, we had to pass through a double line of people waiting to vote just to get into the actual library. (I was very glad to have voted already, having had only two people ahead of me on line!)

I took out books for all the kids, and my toddler played, played, and played some more. Finally, we were beginning to feel tired, and we returned to our car.

We slowly navigated our way out of the crowded parking lot. There were still many cars and people coming and going. I reached the edge of the parking lot, and took my place behind a line of cars in the right turn lane. By craning my neck, I could see that the light was red. So I enjoyed the music in the car while waiting for the cars to move.

I’m not sure how many minutes we were sitting there with our right blinker on before a man finally came over. I rolled down the window so that I could hear him.

“Did you realize that all those cars are parked?”

Actually, no, I hadn’t. Whoops.

I thanked the man, and proceeded to pass by all the driverless cars, feeling pretty stupid for not noticing!

(In case you are now thinking to yourself that I just mistook the parking lane for a right turning lane, I did not. I have been to that library many times, and the only place to park is in the parking lot. There is normally no parking lane, but having run out of parking spots, some people parked in the right lane, almost until the traffic light.)

Moral of the Story: Pay Attention!

I couldn’t help but reflect on the incident on the way home. How many times do we fail to notice something crucial because we weren’t paying attention? How often do we not even realize something nice was done for us because we weren’t looking for it? And how many opportunities do we miss because we just didn’t realize that they were there waiting for us?

Hashem is constantly looking after us, taking care of our every need. He orchestrates the whole scene so it fits our needs just so.

If we search, we will find traces of His involvement everywhere. If we open our eyes, we will see the endless possibilities that are open to us. And if we invest the effort, we will see pieces of the puzzle come together and explain away some of our confusion.

We will notice all sorts of wonderful things, but only if we are paying attention!

Practical Bitachon: Some Examples

  1. Finding the good in a bad situation

    Within months of moving into our new home, the beautiful wood floors began developing some bumps. These were not small irregularities; they eventually grew to the size of speed bumps, the largest one extending from the living room all the way to the middle of the dining room. The bump was so big that we had to put a table over it to prevent people from tripping!

    At first, this represented a huge aggravation for us. We spent hours dealing with the insurance and contractors to assess, evaluate, and claim the damage. We were unsure the whole time whether our insurance would cover our losses or whether we would be forced to make repairs out of our own pocket.

    However, what began as a huge stress quickly melted when we received a check from our homeowner’s insurance. We were able to put down a lovely new floor, replace our air conditioning units (the bumps were caused by an air conditioner leak), and even have a little bit left over! The leak was no longer a mishap, but a kind and loving gift from God.

  2. Seeing Hashem’s Hand in the world (Divine Providence)

    Our stroller recently fell apart. Completely. The frame disconnected and stroller was not usable at all.

    I have had strollers become rickety, or worn out, but never have I seen one just come apart like this.

    To make a long story short, the timing couldn’t have been better. Within days, we were able to take advantage of an amazing promotion to purchase a sturdy new stroller at a fantastic price.

    If any one small detail had been different, it could have changed the ending of the story dramatically. (Drama is relative, of course. This was a stroller, after all, not a life and death situation!)

    • The stroller might not have broken at all. We would still have our stroller and would never even have known that in another scenario we could have had a new one!

    • Had the stroller been rickety but usable, it is likely we would not have been thinking about buying a new one. The promotion would have passed without our knowing that we needed a new stroller.

    • The stroller could have fallen apart a month later. The promotion was a one-time deal, and we would have missed it. We would have bought a stroller that was by far inferior to the one we got.

    • The promotion could not have existed.

    • We could have been unaware of the promotion.

    This was not a lucky coincidence; it was the Hand of God! Clearly, Hashem guided us and helped us to obtain a great stroller which we never would have even considered without this push.

  3. Noticing an opportunity

    No one asks to get sick. Yet people who have experienced a serious illness often report that their situation brought them closer to Hashem. Though their situation was very difficult, they recognize that something positive emerged from their challenge as well.

    Some people will refuse to accept that troubles represent opportunity. Others just don’t see it because they aren’t paying attention. If you keep on the lookout, you will always be able to find something good!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Change Your Mind! What to do when your first reaction is not a Bitachon reaction

Not long ago, I had the pleasure of taking my car to the mechanic.

Our trusty minivan was emanating some funny noises, so we knew something was wrong. A knowledgable friend diagnosed the problem and recommended that we get a new engine mount (whatever that is).

It was a Thursday morning. I drove over to Sun Tire, where I left the car for its checkup. Meanwhile, my baby and I had a pleasant stroll home in the hot Jacksonville sunshine.

It wasn’t long before Sun Tire called to let me know that the minivan needed a new engine mount (surprise!). We agreed on the price, and they assured me that I could pick up the car in the afternoon.

When my little guy and I woke up from our nap, we prepared to walk back to Sun Tire. I checked the voice mail before heading out, just to be sure the repair was done.


“Hi, this is Travis from Sun Tire. Give me a call back when you have a chance.”

Hmmm, that was not the message I was expecting. I was hoping for “Your Kia is ready for pickup, Mrs. Rabinowitz. Come on over as soon as y'all would like.”

Well, our Kia was not ready for pickup after all. The generic engine mount parts did not fit our car. The correct part could only be obtained from the manufacturer. It would cost a bit more, and would be ready by mid-morning on Friday.


I was counting on having that minivan to take my girls to their speech therapy early on Friday morning.

I guess not.

After weighing my options (there weren’t too many), I decided that the next best approach was to drive my husband and children to school on Friday morning in our 12 passenger van so that I could keep the van to drive the girls to speech therapy.

After speech therapy on Friday morning, I dropped the girls off at school. I called Sun Tire to find out how soon my minivan would be ready.

The walk to Sun Tire from school is about 10 minutes (pushing the stroller), so I was hoping I might be able to walk over straight from school. This would be especially convenient because the van needed to stay at school so that my husband could drive everyone home after school was over.

The car wasn’t quite ready yet. It would be done within the hour.

An hour was too long to keep an active toddler busy at a mechanic, so I drove back home. My poor son had been strapped in and out of the car and stroller so many times that he arched his back when I tried to strap him into his carseat. I felt so bad for him, cooped up all morning!

At last, we were home. I was so happy for the little guy to run around and play.

As I unlocked the front door, my cell phone rang.

“Hi, this is Travis from Sun Tire. Just calling to let you know your car is ready.”

Oh, great. Why couldn’t he have told me that 10 minutes ago when I was right there? Now I had to strap my toddler back into the van, drive to school, and walk ten minutes to Sun Tire.


Hold on. I might be annoyed, but this is NOT a Bitachon reaction!!

Let’s rewind and play it again:

This is a bit of a nuisance, but if this is what happened, then it is from Hashem, and I accept it with love!

Why didn’t Travis tell me it would be ready in 10 minutes when I was right there? Because Hashem did not want me to have that information at that time, that’s why!

Pease Note

I had a wonderful experience with Sun Tire and would recommend them to others for repair. (I would go back there again myself).

The fact that the repair was not ready as expected and cost more than expected was not their fault at all, and I do not blame them for it one bit!!

Practical Bitachon

  1. Change Your Mind!

    Sometimes, our first reaction is to be annoyed, frustrated, even angry. But just because that is our first instinct does not mean that it has to be our last!

    Allow yourself the freedom to adjust your attitude and reframe the situation: “If this is Hashem’s Will, then it is my will too!”

  2. Keep Things in Perspective

    Yes, this was annoying.  
    Yes, it seemed like it could have been easily prevented.  
    Yes, it took up most of my morning (on a Friday, no less!).

    No, this was not the end of the world, and it was not really even anyone’s fault.  It just was. Exactly as it was meant to be.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Plane Scared: How Bitachon Can Help Calm Your Fears

This week, I found myself sitting on an airplane. Most of my attention was focused on entertaining my 15 month old son. This was no easy feat. He is extremely active, and all he wanted to do was walk up and down the aisle and talk to the (sleeping) passengers!

We waited calmly for the airplane to take off. Then, as soon as the plane began to race down the runway, my heart began to race inside of me. I suddenly felt terrified.

Though I have flown many times, I feel this same feeling upon takeoff on every flight. I don’t remember feeling that way as a child. I think that as my family has grown and my responsibilities have multiplied, I can’t push away the feeling that if something bad were to happen, it would affect a lot more than just me!

Jews are a people of prayer. We pray three times every day. On Shabbos and Holidays we add even more prayers. There are blessings for all sorts of usual and unusual items and events.

Of course, there is a prayer for travelers to recite on their way.

How comforting it was to recite the words of Tefillas Haderech (the traveler’s prayer) as the nose of the aircraft rose into the sky.

Please Hashem,“ I thought, "help us to arrive safely. Save us from anything bad that could happen on the way!”

I felt calm again as I reflected upon what I was saying. It is Hashem, and Hashem only, who guides our way. He is in charge of the plane, and He is in charge of all outcomes!

Hashem is accessible to us all the time. We do not have to fly in the sky in order to be close to Him. We can connect to God and trust in Him wherever we are, whenever we want.

Prayer is a very powerful way to connect. Whether by means of formal prayer or impromptu personal requests, when we ask God to fulfill our needs, we show Him and ourselves that we trust in Him. We ask Hashem to help us because we know the He is the only One who has the ability to assist.

Practical Bitachon

  1. Take the time to daven! Even the busiest person can find a few minutes in her day or week to talk to Hashem. Ask Him for whatever you want and need. No request is too difficult and no desire is too trivial.

  2. When you pray, make a mental note:

    It makes sense to ask Hashem, because Hashem alone can fulfill my needs!

    This will increase your trust in God.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Bitachon and The Strength To Do What's Right

Keeping Shabbos as a Factory Employee: My Father’s Father

My Zaidy, Moshe Sonnenschein, moved to Montreal after World War II. An expert tailor, he found employment in a local factory. More than half of the 120 workers were Jewish, many of them Holocaust survivors.

Zaidy began working on a Wednesday. His supervisor was quickly impressed by his ability to fix or remake any garment, and gave him all the work that others were not capable of doing.

At 3:00 PM on that first Friday in February, Zaidy packed up his things and prepared to leave.

When the Jewish lady on the next table saw this, she asked him, “Where are you going?”

“What do you mean ‘Where am I going?’” Zaidy answed. “It will soon be Shabbos! I am going home!”

“At least leave through the side door,” the woman suggested. “Maybe no one will notice.”

But Zaidy refused. “Why should I sneak out through the side door?” Zaidy asked. “I didn’t steal anything! I’ll go out through the same door I came into this morning!”

As Zaidy was leaving, his supervisor asked him where he was going. When Zaidy told him he was headed home for Shabbos, the supervisor only asked - “Will you be back on Monday? Just make sure you come back on Monday morning!”

Zaidy worked in that factory for 28 years.  No one ever gave him a hard time about leaving early for Shabbos, and whenever there was an office party, all the food was kosher so that he would be able to eat!

Keeping Shabbos as Owner of a Small Business: My Mother’s Father

My other Zaidy, Herman Moskowitz, owned a children’s clothing shop in the Bronx. It was the 1960s, and most of the stores in the area - even the Jewish ones - took advantage of the busy shopping day on Saturdays by keeping their stores open for business.

My Zaidy, however, always closed his shop for Shabbos.

One Sunday morning in the bustling shopping month of December, my Zaidy came to open his store. The owner of the neighboring shop, also a Jew, began to poke fun at him for not working on Shabbos.

“The streets were packed yesterday, Herman! There were so many shoppers,” the man told Zaidy. “You don’t know what you missed!”

Replied my Zaidy, “No, my friend. You  don’t know what YOU missed!”

Zaidy had Bitachon. He firmly believed that if you keep Shabbos, you will make whatever living Hashem has planned for you, even if you miss the busy Saturday shopping day!

Shabbos: A Testament to Creation

On the holiday of Simchas Torah we complete the Torah and immediately start again from the beginning: Bereishis, the creation of the world.

God created the world in six days, and on the seventh day He rested. By refraining from creative work on Shabbos, we testify that Hashem created the world and continues to run the world to this day.

It is tempting to believe that by working seven days a week we can make more money than by working only six. Some people feel that more or better jobs may be open to them if they are flexible enough to work on Saturday.

The reality is that God created this world, and God runs this world.

How much money you make and which job you get are determined by God alone. You do your part (keep the Torah) and let Hashem take care of the rest!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

You're Fired! Bitachon in Times of Challenge

The Challenge

The predominantly Jewish neighborhood was quickly changing. Mr. Sam Levenson realized that the was no longer a demand for kosher meat in the area. Sadly, he was forced to close his butcher shop.

At the age of 60, Mr. Levenson found himself searching not only for a new job, but a new career entirely. Since he knew the city, and he knew how to drive, he decided to seek employment as a cab driver. He figured that at least inside of his cab, he would be his own boss.

He began his new job just before the Jewish month of Tishrei. As an observant Jew, he informed his boss that he would not be working on the Jewish Holidays.

His new boss was a Jew as well. Though he was neither observant nor well-educated in Jewish matters, he knew enough to let Mr. Levenson take days off for the well-known holidays of Rosh Hashanna and Yom Kippur.

That year, the first night of Succos was on a Sunday night, just like this year. On Friday, Mr. Levenson told his boss that he would not be coming into work on Monday and Tuesday due to the holiday of Succos.

Though the boss had heard of Rosh Hashanna and Yom Kippur, he was not familiar with the holiday of Succos. He promptly replied that if Mr. Levenson did not report for work on Monday morning, he should not even bother coming in on Wednesday.

Lesson #1: Bitachon and the Courage to Stand Up for What is Right

It is incredibly difficult to hold onto what is true in the face of such a challenge.

Mr. Levenson was threatened with the immediate loss of his entire livelihood. Yet he knew that obeying his Creator was his first priority. He exhibited Bitachon by keeping the mitzvos even though it appeared that this would cause him harm.

I have heard people say, “I can’t miss work on Yom Tov because … ”

  • I will lose my job
  • My boss won’t like it
  • I will lose money

We can all learn from the courageous behavior of Mr. Levenson! He had Bitachon! He believed that if God wanted him to work, then he would. And if God decreed for him to lose his job, then that’s what would be. His human contribution was just to do what was right: in this case, not to work on Yom Tov. The rest was up to Hashem.

The End of the Story

Mr. Levenson celebrated Succos with his family on Monday and Tuesday, trying not to dwell over his lost job. He went into work on Wednesday, figuring that he had nothing to lose. Maybe his boss would change his mind and let him continue to work after all.

His boss saw him and came right over to him. Mr. Levenson was sure the he was fired for good.

“Mr. Levenson,” began the boss, “as long as you work for me, you don’t ever have to worry about taking off for the Jewish Holidays again!”

Needless to say, Mr. Levenson was quite shocked by the change in attitude! As it turned out, this about-face was the result of an unusual and unexpected chain of events.

“This past Sunday,” continued Mr. Levenson’s boss, “my father passed away. I don’t know many Jewish laws, but I do know that children sit shiva after the passing of a parent. I prepared to sit shiva for my father, but much to my surprise, the Rabbi told me that since Monday was the Jewish Holiday of Succos, there would be no shiva.

“I now know that you were telling the truth, and not just trying to wheedle another vacation day out of me. I respect you, and I will never give you a hard time about your holidays ever again!”

Mr. Levenson worked for that taxi company for 10 years, and he never had to worry about working on the Jewish Holdiays again!

Lesson #2: Nothing is Beyond God’s Ability

At times, a person finds himself in a hopeless situation. All seems lost, and there just doesn’t appear to be any way out. Often, people just give up.

Part of Bitachon is to realize that Hashem is capable of doing anything. There is no problem that is too difficult for Him to solve, should He deem it appropriate. Even when we don’t see any favorable solution, we must not give up!

Mr. Levenson’s situation appeared to be pretty bleak. It really didn’t seem likely, or even possible, that his boss would change his mind.

Despite the grim circumstance, Mr. Levenson did the only effort left to do in the situation: he went into work on Wednesday. He did not give up,  even though things looked bad.

And God certainly found a creative and beautiful solution to this problem!

Thank You

I would like to extend a special thank you to my Uncle David Levenson, the son of Sam Levenson, for allowing me to share this story with my readers. I have heard many wonderful and inspirational stories from my Uncle David over the years, and this is one of my all-time favorites!